On January 9th, the Dutch partners of the ORAMMA project organised the first training for health care professionals involved in the care for refugees and other migrants. The aim of the training was to prepare the health care professionals to deliver adequate culturally sensitive maternity care in line with the ORAMMA approach.

Eight (8) midwifes from five different midwifery practices in the Netherlands participated in the training. The training embraced a diverse programme with the emphasis on learning by doing and experiencing. The training consisted of exercises on the awareness of one’s own culture, collecting experiences and learning needs of participants, case discussions and mini lectures on specific issues to consider in pregnant migrant women (related to epidemiology, specific morbidity and to culturally determined aspects of care). The midwifes practiced their consultations skills and took part in a role-play with a trained patient actress that demonstrated the challenges that can occur in communication with a low literate migrant. Finally, information was given about the pilot of the ORAMMA project in which all of the midwives will take part in, and about the role of the maternity peer supporter.

The second training session that will be held in spring 2018.