News and Events

ORAMMA Final Event in Brussels

ORAMMA Final Event in Brussels

ORAMMA held the project’s final event in Maastricht University Campus Brussels on Thursday 28th February. This one day session gave the opportunity to hear from project partners and other stakeholders, understand the approach of the ORAMMA project and be engaged in...

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ORAMMA Webinar series

ORAMMA Webinar series

ORAMMA is holding a webinar series to discuss the project activities and progress, from the ORAMMA team. First webinar was hosted by the European Forum for Public Health and was held on the 20th March at 12:30pm CET. Eirini Sioti from Athens Midwifery School, the...

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ORAMMA Progress Meeting in Sheffield, February 15-16 2018

ORAMMA Progress Meeting in Sheffield, February 15-16 2018

The ORAMMA progress meeting took place in Sheffield on 15th- 16th February and it was hosted by Sheffield University. In the meeting, representatives of all partners participated, and also members of the scientific advisory committee, Prof. Billie Hunter (Professor of...

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Health Care Professionals Training Programme in Athens

Health Care Professionals Training Programme in Athens

Within the framework of the ORAMMA project, the first training programme for the Health Care Professionals (HCPs) was organised by the Athens Midwifery School (coordinator of ORAMMA project) on 26 & 27 of January at the General Maternity District Hospital of...

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Maternity Peer Supporters training programme in Greece

Maternity Peer Supporters training programme in Greece

Within the framework of the ORAMMA project, the first training programme for the Maternity Peer Supporters (MPSs) was organised by the Athens Midwifery School (coordinator of ORAMMA project) on 24-26 of January at the Maternal District Hospital of “Elena Venizelos” in...

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ORAMMA Update 2nd Newsletter

ORAMMA Update 2nd Newsletter

ORAMMA Update ORAMMA is a 2 year project, funded through the European Union’s Health Programme, to develop an approach to maternal healthcare for migrant and refugee women. ORAMMA is now into its second year, and the partners have been busy. The first part of the...

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Meeting of refugee programs executives

Meeting of refugee programs executives

A meeting of ORAMMA, EUR-HUMAN (,  and PHILOS ( executives, was held on December 30th. The aim of the meeting was to better coordinate the communication of the work produced in Greece concerning refugees/migrants and to...

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ORAMMA meeting in Nijmegen, December 07-08 2017

ORAMMA meeting in Nijmegen, December 07-08 2017

The ORAMMA meeting took place in Nijmegen on 7 and 8/12 and it was hosted by Radboud University. The meeting was attended by representatives of all partners and members of the advisory board, Diane Nurse (National Social Inclusion Office, Primary Care Division, Health...

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ORAMMA Focus group in Crete, May 2017

ORAMMA Focus group in Crete, May 2017

The workshop organized, in the context of WP4 of the ORAMMA project, by the Department of Social Work and the Health and Welfare Services of the Technological Educational Institute of Crete

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“This website is part of the project ‘738148/ORAMMA’ which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020)”.