ORAMMA held the project’s final event in Maastricht University Campus Brussels on Thursday 28th February.

This one day session gave the opportunity to hear from project partners and other stakeholders, understand the approach of the ORAMMA project and be engaged in discussions, exploitation of the results and recommendations for future steps.

The president of the European Midwives’ Association and also member of the ORAMMA partnership, Mervi Jokinen, opened the event, and several speakers welcomed the participants, among which Paola D’ Acapito (project officer, CHAFEA) on behalf of Isabel De La Mata (DG SANTE), Dimitrios Papadimoulis (European Parliament), Diederik Aarendonk (EFPC)- ORAMMA partner, Ioannis Mouzalas (Surgeon, Obstetrician-Gynaecologist, Former Migration Policy Minister of Greece).

The opening welcome was followed by the presentation of the following topics:

  • Improving the health care of pregnant refugee and migrant women and newborn children| Fran McConville, Midwifery, MCA Dept. & Office of Chief Nurse, WHO
  • EUPHA 2018 statement on migration, ethnicity and health | María Luisa Vázquez Navarrete, vice-president of the EUPHA section on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health
  • ORAMMA project overview development and work packages | Victoria Vivilaki, Assistant Professor, University of West Attica, GREECE – ORAMMA Coordinator
  • Systematic review: Migrant and refugee women’s experiences of pregnancy and care received | Hora Soltani, Professor, Sheffield Hallam University, UK – ORAMMA partner
  • Social care as part of maternal care for refugee women Challenges for teamwork in refugee populations during maternal care | Maria Papadakaki, Assistant Professor, TEI of Crete, GREECE– ORAMMA partner
  • ORAMMA in Action: ORAMMA outcomes and women’s perspectives from the field. | Maria van den Muijsenbergh, Professor, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, THE NETHERLANDS– ORAMMA partner
  • ORAMMA E-learning paltform | Tasos Mastroyiannakis, Health & Social Care Project Manager, CMT Prooptiki, GREECE– ORAMMA partner
  • Experiences of being a Maternity Peer Supporter in the ORAMMA project | Marfat Saeed, Maternity Peer Supporter in ORAMMA project

In the evening, the following two panels took place:

Panel 1: ORAMMA findings and implications for migrant and refugee mothers

Moderator: Maria Papadakaki
Panelists: Hora Soltani (SHU, UK), Nia Georges (RICE University, USA), Ioannis Mouzalas (MD, OB-GYN, Former Migration Policy Minister of Greece), Ines Keygnaert (Ghent University)

Panel 2: What is next for the ORAMMA approach: Moving forward for better perinatal care outcomes in Europe and beyond

Moderator: Elena Petelos
Panelists: Alyna Smith (PICUM), Amy Rhoades (IOM), Fran Mc Conville (WHO), Hans Verrept, María Luisa Vázquez Navarrete (EUPHA), Lorenzo De Min (UNU-MERIT)

In the closing remarks, Dr Victoria Vivilaki, project coordinator, stressed the importance of an integrated maternity care model for migrant and refugee mothers.