ORAMMA Final Event in Brussels

ORAMMA Final Event in Brussels

ORAMMA held the project’s final event in Maastricht University Campus Brussels on Thursday 28th February. This one day session gave the opportunity to hear from project partners and other stakeholders, understand the approach of the ORAMMA project and be engaged in...
ORAMMA Webinar series

ORAMMA Webinar series

ORAMMA is holding a webinar series to discuss the project activities and progress, from the ORAMMA team. First webinar was hosted by the European Forum for Public Health and was held on the 20th March at 12:30pm CET. Eirini Sioti from Athens Midwifery School, the...
ORAMMA Progress Meeting in Sheffield, February 15-16 2018

ORAMMA Progress Meeting in Sheffield, February 15-16 2018

The ORAMMA progress meeting took place in Sheffield on 15th- 16th February and it was hosted by Sheffield University. In the meeting, representatives of all partners participated, and also members of the scientific advisory committee, Prof. Billie Hunter (Professor of...